
"What's it like to fly a Harrier"                                                   

Well this is the site, at least the beginning of the beginning of the thought of a site that I envisaged over a year ago.

My story isn't unlike an others particularly. I Spent almost the entirety of youth to young adulthood wondering what the hell I was supposed to be doing, who I was supposed to be and what the hell the whole point of it was anyway. 

Then there was a great happening. Something big. It changed everything. 

When I finally realised I had a plan, or that I should at least create a plan for my life it made be realise that that was exactly what had been missing. 

I, like everyone else I know spent their entire childhood being indoctrinated. We were told that if we worked hard,revised and got good marks that one day, everything would be good. We would become happy, highly respected members of a future society with no worries and a life of luxury. 

The main problem with this was that we were told this by two respected members of society, teachers and career advisers.

Now if I wanted to be a teacher I don't think I would be being particularly daring asking a teacher -"Hey Mr/Mrs/Miss teacher person thingy, what's it like being a teacher then?" and they may respond with "great, i love the hours" or "great, its long hours" or "great, kill me know" but the point is that they would know what its like to become a teacher.

I don't think it would come as a huge surprise though if I were to say that i among others received most insightful opinions on everything from working for the RAF to engineering apprenticeships from people who had spent the last 5 years of their life a career advisor. 

I'm pretty sure a chefs never flown a Harrier and a Pilots never earned a Michelin Star.

So here I endeavour to give real life accounts through interviews and videos with young people at the forefront of their chosen careers, to find out for the masses.

"What's it like to fly a Harrier"

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