
Chase the dream

Chase the Dream

Persistence is the key to achieving anything that is worthwhile. Chase and Tim talk about everything it takes from being a photographer to launching a book. This video is perfectly released post the massive success of The 4 Hour Work Week launched essentially from nowhere by Tim. 

If you have ever had an idea, discovered your passion or thought of a great business plan and not carried it through then you should chill out and watch this.  

Tim explains how he defined exact Goals and how this helped him achieve exactly what he wanted. They both talk about fear in its different forms and how they affect our actions or more often than not Inaction.

This video perfectly defines what can be achieved with persistence.


Things of note:

Chase Jarvis:

The Best Camera Is The One Thats With You (2009)
Seattle 100 (2010)

Timothy Ferris:

The 4 Hour Work Week
The 4 Hour Body

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