
"Finding my Niche"

It has been an exciting few weeks. I have explored many avenues that are freely available to anyone interested in starting a business and can only say that I am blown away with the charity people show, which continues to surprise me. It is also amusing to note the definite correlation of some ones success and their ability, nay their cheer enthusiasm for helping people.

Niche, unless anyone was confused.
I have had many adventures recently. I have attended several business networking events where I had talked about the viability of an online community based business which attempts to help people with their career choices by example through an extended knowledge network (I.e. Imnotasheep.com!). The benefits of this concept have always seemed clear to me and I hope to be able to apply growing business knowledge to make it into a scalable project. The fundamental of this concept is that it involves growth of a network, which requires an investment of time, which requires a return to fund the time. So the real question becomes “How can I make this project scalable”.  The main problem with this is that that shouldn’t be a matter of money, but it is. This is not to say that the mission statement for the project changes or that I indeed sell my soul to the devil for a quick buck, only that the timeline of the project/business is scalable in a way that makes it best meet it mission statement.

Of course all of this bollocks has already been explained to me before by people that have pretty much done it but as per usual when experienced people explain something like this the overriding point is missed, not on purpose might I add!

The best way to make something scalable is to find a community of people that require your business because no-one has bothered/attempted/realised/known that they may require said goods/services. For the purpose of this conversation I will refer to this as a Niche.

The possibilities are endless and as with most cases of choice if there is too much it’s very hard to pick something. Many ideas had been suggested to me to what I should concentrate my efforts on before but from the small experiences I have had with business networking a clear front runner has become obvious and further research only seems to back it up. So I shall heed my own words and create a plan!
